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The new brand and identity of Gorzow – rail arc. Just like corporations, cities need to market themselves in order to attract business, tourism, conventions that promise a pulsating environment for employment and trade. This image – the new identity - presented by Gorzow city will be different from the image presented by other competing cities. This brand will bring to mind distinct image, association, and experience. It will be a source of differentiation, identification, recognition, continuity and collectivity.Instead of using Bilbao effect (a relatively small object still with major influence) – we propose for Gorzow city branding to use already existing strong identity image that at the same time is spatial and important element in the city structure - Rail arc. Rail arc - even on historical postcards and images it has been the most noticeable and important place (both spatially and visually) for Gorzow city along river Warta. Railroad is like a longitudinal axis that now separates the city from river, it is a barrier for people to reach riverside promenade because of wall enclosures. We propose to open up each arc for free pedestrian flow to reach public space along river.

Public space concept. In our proposal public places of Gorzow are not fixed and unchanging but depend upon the performances within them, by “hosts” and especially by various kinds of “guests”. This will include the nature and skills of local service delivery, the degree of friendliness and welcome, the skill of designing and refurbishing spectacle and the array of appropriate enterprises. 

GORZOW PROMENADE. The extension and reconstruction of promenade has important role for Gorzow identity. The existing waterfront improvement (on the left side from the bridge) is only a small part in the whole system that needs to be reconstructed.The spatial structure of the promenade at each part of it is designed based on scenography – with the beginning, the end – culmination and summary. The functional structure of the promenade is defined by intersectional pedestrian flows through each rail arc.  Where movement trajectories intersect space, specific activity and different feeling is created:

-          Existing promenade with spatial saturation extension along railway (until railway bridge) with a new building (cultural building – for example railway museum or office)  will be the functional beginning of the promenade;

-          Gorzow plaza by the bridge will be the heart of the city - a place for large gatherings (concerts, events etc);

-          Waterfront Sculpture Park will be a place for temporary tourist spectacles. It will offer provisional landscape that will add dynamical value to a city\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s existing resources. For examples like works of Christo and Jeanne -Claude’s public art installations or it could be place for young polish artists, sculptors to exhibit their works;

-          Boat docks with ticket offices for public use;

-          Amphitheatre with floating stage and private use boat docks by new residential/ office block Gorzow Pixelz;

-          Children playgrounds, skate parks in the end of promenade (by Teatralna Street).

RING OF BOULEVARD. We propose to extend the already existing ring of boulevard until the waterfront promenade where it will end up with boat docks. It will be a spatial and visual connection for old city with other parts of the city. It will have slow travel and parking lanes for bicycle and pedestrian usage, with high quality landscaping and scenery. It will become into peripheral road for local use. 

Two city plazas. The clear system of functionally and spatially different two plazas that are separated but in total forms a complete city centre system. The cross directions of pedestrian routes creates the possibility to use both plazas on one event (for example – city festivals etc).

GORZOW PLAZA. We propose to develop a new plaza on the riverside – that will become the centre node for people to meet. Stairs along one side of plaza will provide a view to Warta.           

PLAZA OF LIGHT by St. Mary’s cathedral. The reconstruction of already existing square near the most important monument of Gorzow city - St. Mary’s cathedral. The square requires totally new landscaping concept and scenography. The plaza of light with numerous tall lightning elements will represent history of the city.

River development. Gorzow city has a unique opportunity to intensively use River Warta resources that has not been done yet. Numerous boat docks on left bank of river along promenade may be used for public, although new boat docks on right bank will be provided for private use.

Public space/landscape has a major power as city branding tool.  A public space abstracts a city’s social identity into a visual logo - it suggests intangible quality that can be marked as a tourist destination. Public space/landscape of Gorzow as the enterpreunal city in future will create an image of glamour, mobility and excitement which will lead to livable city.






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